Why Do Conservatives Hate Immigrants?

The Ruling Class made poor whites feel superior to poor blacks. The abolition of slavery was the catalyst for deeper hatred in America. They preached that the black man was coming for your job. That the black men will rape your white women. They used the Bible to divide and conquer America. They pitted the masses against each other. In today’s America, this is how I and many others see Republicans for who they are…
Conservatives“We follow the Bible.”
The Bible: Mathew 25: 35-40 New International Version
35 “For I was hungry, and you gave me something to eat. I was thirsty, and you gave me something to drink. I was a stranger and you invited me in.
36 I needed new clothes and you clothed me. I was sick and you took care of me. I was in prison and you came to visit me.”
37 Then the righteous will answer him: Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink?
38 When did you see a stranger and invited you in, or needed clothes and you clothed me?
39 When did we see you sick or in prison and go visit you?
40 The King will reply: Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did to me.

Republicans, and the MAGA psychopaths, will read thier bibles then turn around and tell refugees “FUCK RIGHT OFF! GO BACK TO YOUR SHITHOLE COUNTRY! NOBODY WANTS YOU IN AMERICA!” 

Conservatives: “We are the Land of the Free. The land of golden opportunities where all are equal and have equal opportunities for success.”
Immigrants: (especially Minorities) Great! So we can come and build a new life for ourselves and our families? Away from the troubles we face in our country of origin?”
Conservatives: “Nooooo!”
Cruelty is the point of these so-called Christian conservatives. They really get off hurting people of color who only want to come to America to better themselves and do good by raising their family.
Where would today’s Republican Party be without hate? Probably non-existent. A rapist calling a certain set of immigrants rapists is mind numbingly stunning, as it is stupid, to say the least. Without hatred, the GOP would be nothing. The real danger to the American Ideal is the Political Ruling Class. It’s not the undocumented workers “replacing” natural born American citizens in vegetable gardens, in back breaking construction jobs where they can’t get water breaks, and the service industry jobs. The Political Class allowed the factory jobs to go overseas, not the poverty stricken workers in China or Mexico. If you are anti-Immigrant? You are simply unwilling to think for yourself. Conservatives use the immigrant as a scapegoat to America’s problems. It is not their fault for what’s wrong with America. It’s because of the stupidity of certain people who keep voting against their best economic interests, for a political party that pisses on them, then tell them that they are feeling rain. Trickle Down Economics was a failure that caused the Great Depression and Republicans still try to apply it today. The father of such thinking is the 30th President of the United States Calvin Coolidge. He was a Republican. And every Republican president thereafter has tried to employ his failed economic theory. They will never change America. So, why vote for people who keep employing a dead economic theory that only hurts you? Where is your critical thinking?
When talking about immigration to the US from Middle America, it is worth taking a look at the history of countries like Honduras, Guatemala, and Nicuargua. Specifically the timespan from 1870 to 1980. What caused the economic and political situation to decline drastically in these countries? America went into these countries and exploited their natural resources and labor force. The rapacious American corporations basically stole from the people. And when there was a depletion, America just got up and left. Added to which, these powerful corporations peddled their influence on what government should be in power in these developing countries. The United Fruit Company (Chiquita banana) and Standard Fruit (aka Dole) are just two names that readily come to mind who exploited Latin American countries. Let’s not forget the hot mess America created in the Middle East and Afghanistan with the failed “War on Terror”. America goes into countries without any well thought out exit strategy. Their main goal is to reap financial profits and not consider helping lesser developed countries build their infrastructure and nurture their young democracies.
This happened a lot. Especially after World War II when the world got split up into two major opposing economic camps. You were either on the former communist USSR’s side who preached Marxist-Leninism or on the USA/NATO side which was for unregulated Free Market and Capitalism. During the 1970s, there was a third way, where Third World underdeveloped countries had the Non-Aligned Movement where they stayed ideologically neutral. These non-aligned nations paid a heavy price as the United States saw them as being defiant, and drifting towards Socialism. Let’s get something straight. Socialism is not Communism. They are two different systems of government. But, here in America, we were taught that Socialism is just another form of Communism. Henry Kissinger, with the help of the CIA, went into countries like Egypt, Jamaica, Chile, and other countries too numerous to mention here, and destabilized them because they refused to comply with what America wanted and demanded. They tried to show some form of economic independence from First World developed countries, but to their detriment. Socialism was, and still is, a dirty word in America. And places like Jamaica, under Michael Manley, had declared themselves Democratic Socialistas did Chile and other nations in Latin America. African nations joined the Non-Aligned Movement as well. They dared to form alliances with communist Cuba under Fidel Castro and formed some economic partnerships with the former USSR and the Warsaw Pact. The destabilization orchestrated by Kissinger and the CIA, caused a total economic collapse in these countries and their economies. The 1980s saw these countries somewhat recover, if you can call it that, through help from the International Monetary Fund and World Bank institutions. But, was it really financial help or economic rape? It depends on who you ask. In Chile, Salvadore Allende was brutally murdered in a coup orchestrated by Kissinger and the CIA. They installed Army General Augusto Pinnochet as the new President knowing full well what a tyrant he was. They knew what a son of a bitch he was towards people who disagreed with him. But, it was never about spreading Democracy. It was because of economic benefits for America. The same for Jamaica. The 1980 election saw thousands of people brutally murdered who supported Michael Manley and his Democratic Socialist People’s National Party. The opposition right-wing Jamaica Labour Party, under the leadership of American born, Edward Seaga, allegedly got the help they needed from the CIA. It is well documented and can be obtained through the Freedom of Information Act. There are so many examples of America going into other countries and destabilizing it. It would be too much to cover in this blog article. I implore readers to do their own fact finding. Why Latin Americans and, to some extent, Caribbean people, are emigrating to the United States, stems from the carnage of the Cold War. The after effects of the Cold War destroyed people’s lives. The dictators and elected leaders who they supported, let in American Corporations and gave them unfettered access to natural resources while exploiting the working class paying them peanuts. This is the way of America.
Cold War After Effects & Ramification Today
Because of the International Monetary Fund and World Bank’s abrasive austerity measures in Third World underdeveloped countries, people are fleeing for a better way of life. Hardships plague these countries as these Third World governments cannot control crime nor can get a grip on poverty. Who caused it? Both America and the former USSR who used these people as political pawns to further their socio-political and economic agendas. There was no thought of actually helping these poorer countries develop infrastructure whatsoever. This is why there is great resentment around the world towards the USA and Russia today. In Russia’s case, they invaded Afghanistan trying to convert them to a Marxist-Leninist ideology. Afghanistan is rich in copper, coal, gemstones, gold, iron ore, lithium, marble, petroleum, natural gas, precious and semi-precious stones, talc, zinc, barit, and poppy fields that manufacture opium. The Soviets failed miserably in their quest to spread the communist ideology. With the help of our CIA, they were forced to abandon their ambition of spreading communism in the region.
We successfully helped the Taliban “freedom fighters”  in their war against the Soviet communists. And when they left, what did America do? We packed up and left them high and dry. No plan of infrastructure, no trying to build an education system, a sustainable health care system or form of government that promoted Democracy. As usual, the exit plan came back and haunted us. It culminated on September 11, 2001. With the USSR and Communism collapsing in December 1991, the Taliban “Freedom Fighters” had no Soviet ideology to fight anymore. They had resented the US for leaving them high and dry. Once again, an underdeveloped country was used as a pawn in the Cold War. You can understand their hatred towards America. They saw us as excessive in all spheres. They saw us like they did the Russians as infidels and corrupt. We in the Western World only cared about accumulating wealth by any means necessary.  What fueled even more hatred was when we built military bases on Muslim soil in the Middle East. According to the Holy Koran, it is blasphemous for foreign countries to set up bases anywhere in the region. They saw it as an invasion of their land. So, here we are today. We get what we want and then leave. By no means do I hate America nor the Western World. If I did, would I be here? We need to do better in terms of respecting people’s culture and norms. We can’t force Democracy on other countries. But, at the same time, we can not use them as pawns for our economic interests then leave when we get what we want. It breeds resentment and hate towards us. It’s a very fine line we tread so as to bolster our long term economic agenda.
We are a nation of immigrants. It was immigrants who built America up to what it is today. To say otherwise would be disingenuous and show a serious lack of self awareness. America was not built on Christianity nor was it founded on religious dogma. Quite the opposite in fact. When Europeans arrived, they were met by Native Americans who lived and flourished here centuries before any Mayflower anchored. These European settlers were fleeing religious persecution and tyranny by their respective governments. They wanted a new, fresh start. The mostly peaceful Native Americans welcomed them with open arms. They taught them how to farm. They taught them how to survive. In return, European immigrants came with diseases that wiped out thousands. Native Americans who did not die from diseases, were enslaved. They stole Native American lands in the great expansion westward. They enslaved, raped and plundered without remorse. The Tears of Broken Trail saw the biggest land grab in the history of the United States. It was outright war. Since the War of Independence, America was built by war. We never had a war we never liked. Winning wars brought economic spoils and generated income and wealth. Dwight Eisenhower warned about the Military Industrial Complex being a beast that would get so big, that it won’t be easily defeated, if ever.
Now, here we are in the 21st Century. Where we are the biggest and only Super Power left, with the collapse of the USSR. Russia is trying to rebuild in the form of Peter the Great’s Russian Empire. China is doing likewise and trying to be the end all and be all in Asia. India and Pakistan now have nuclear capabilities. The world has gone crazy it seems? New economic pacs are being formed to challenge the economic dominance of the United States. We solidified our place in the world by winning World War II. We could have gone to any region in the world and taken over and become an Empire like Britain was. Instead, we sent corporations to plunder and pillage. We grew our economy through exploitation fueled by greed and corruption. Now, some of these nations have come together to unseat us as the dominant economic force who runs the world. BRICS nations and the European Union are two such examples. What is happening in the United States today, is that politicians, mostly Republicans, have sold out to the highest bidders. It is now about catering fully to the Ruling Class and not giving a damn about patriotism nor sustaining our Democracy. We see it with how our once respected institutions are being politicized and basically being turned into a shell of what they were. MAGA philosophy is slash and burn. Declaw the powers of centuries old institutions leaving them powerless and catering to multinational corporations. America is arguably an oligarchy today. We are run by a kakistocracy who have no respect for anything nor anyone, and lack any form of intelligence. By no means are Democrats perfect. But Republicans bring a level of bullshit that is choking the very foundations of American Democracy.
Since the end of the US Civil War, where the South was humbled by the Union, there has been a proxy war. Not of ideas but of desiring vengeance and retribution. This is what is killing us. They rather us be a Theocracy and laws be based off the Holy Bible in which they believe in. The political parties switched positions in 1964 on many issues. Ever since 1968, we see Republicans use the Southern Strategy to divide and conquer. They win elections based on unfounded fear and stoking hate. It came full circle with Donald Trump in the 2016 election cycle. They have been at it since the 1950s when the John Birch Society entered into the fray using unlimited resources provided by Fred Koch and the Heritage Foundation. The secretive John Birch Society is still around but no longer wields the power they once had. The Evangelical Movement has taken over and has polluted the body politic of America. Is it too late to stop them? They are the main antagonists who hate immigrants. They are the ones who promote the “You Will Not Replace Us” mantra. They are the ones who want Christian Nationalism to run the US government. They are the ones who cozy up to White Nationalist racist groups who believe in political violence to get their way. They will not succeed because America is better than that.
If they come to power, can you imagine the damage they will cause? All the progress America has made the past century will be rolled back. They openly want a dictatorship. It so happens that Donald Trump is their figure head. The real power and authority will be from Vladimir Putin and the Russian Duma. Do you really want that, my fellow Americans? Their way of getting such political power is raking up resentment with people who think like them. They refuse to give up on their hate for people who are not like them. It all comes down to color, class, economic background and ethnic identity. For over two hundred years, white men mostly have benefitted from the system. Now, with the influx of mostly non-White immigrants from around the world, demographics are rapidly changing. We now have integrated relationships and marriages that produce mixed raced children. It is burning them up. Their White privilege is now being challenged and they feel threatened. What better way than to blame the non-White immigrants? Hitler did it successfully unfortunately. The politics of demonization is in full effect. Donald Trump and MAGA is intentionally breeding division and fear. Trump wields a toxic and dehumanizing “us vs. them” rhetoric that breeds physical political violence that has never been seen in our history. He and his exnophobic minions are creating a more dangerous country, trying desperately to cling onto power they once enjoyed unchallenged. They refuse to accept that America is changing. And this is why they want to stop immigrants from coming to start a life in America and get a shot at the elusive American Dream. We will not let them get their way. Their way is not the American Way. The American Way is one of pride where everyone is regarded as equal. We strive for it constantly. We fight for inclusivity and diversity. We strive for equity. We strife for a more perfect union. What they are trying to do is keep an old system that belongs in the past. No way will America go back 100 years when women had no rights. When black and other minorities were deemed inferior. Where the power is in the hands of the few. We take back that power through our vote. This is the only way we can make sense out of their nonsense. We must stand and fight for Kamala Harris to be our next President of the United States. We must vote up and down the ballot for Democrats. The Republicans have shown their hand and it is dangerous as it is pathetic. They don’t love America. They despise Democracy because they loathe education, freedom to read whatever book you want to, providing proper health care for its citizens, and demonize mostly hard working, decent immigrants who come here to have a good life. These are only a few things wrong with today’s Republican MAGA Party.
I boldly predict, within a few decades, if so much, that they will cease to exist. As demographics quickly shift, the GOP’s relevance will burn out and they will be in the dust bin of history. I say, good riddance to bad rubbish. Kamala Harris and Democrats will win in such a lopsided landslide electoral victory, that the Republican MAGA Party won’t know what hit them. I believe that much in the American electorate.We have to keep pushing back at their vile contempt and cruelty. We will not rest until we have an America that is fully inclusive of all people. This is who we are and always have been. A nation of immigrants and built by immigrants. We will not allow the xenophobes to win.
We refuse to fail. We shall overcome!
With Warmest Regards,
David Franklin
Albuquerque, New Mexico