“The Strong Case For Making Election Day A National Holiday (And Abolish The Damn Electoral College!)”
Dear US Congress,
We the People demand that you make election day a National Holiday.
Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Brazil Costa Rica and Mexico has made it mandatory in their countries. So, why not us in the United States?
Doing so will:
– increase voter turnout by enabling more people to participate.
– will turn voting into a celebration of Democracy
– it will align America with other countries who believe strongly in Democracy (as mentioned above)
Each state should have a non-partisan board which is set up by the Federal Election Commission (FEC). They would oversee:
1) Improving ballot access
2) Redistricting committees to reduce, and eventually eliminate, gerrymandering
3) provide automatic voter registration of citizens as soon as they turn 18
4) Allow up to 15 days for early voting in all 50 States and protectorates of the United States
5) No person can be nominated for federal office, or any lower office for that matter, if he or she fails to disclose their tax returns for 20 years
6) Disclose all “dark money” sources for campaign contributions
7) Eliminate the Electoral College. Have just 1 person, 1 vote where the majority popular vote candidate wins.
Veteran’s Day is usually one week after election day every 2 to 4 years. So, it would make more sense to move it to Election Day (which is every first Tuesday in November). This would emphasize that voting is a service to America in preserving our Democracy and a celebration of rights and freedoms we all cherish. Republicans in 48 States have introduced 389 bills to reduce the hours polls remain open. Some provisions include:
a) Forbid people to eat and drink anything while waiting in line to vote. They are not even allowed to go and use the restroom.
b) Close all voting registration events on a Sunday. It should be seven days a week.
c) If you don’t vote? You pay a fine the cost of a speeding ticket (no more than $250 per infraction). This method works in Australia.
When voter turn out is high, it becomes increasingly fruitless, and a waste of resources, for any politician to play to their base. It gives more power to the majority. Hence, dangerous fringe minority voices like Q-Anon, Moral Majority, Tea Party and other extremist groups in society, would be confined and would cause less damage to the collective unity and progression of policies that makes society move forward positively. Majority rule is the best thing for America.
Abolishing the Electoral College is the best thing that can happen to America because:
1) It allows the popular vote winner to take the White House. It will be the 1 person, 1 vote with majority rule
2) Thanks to the advancement of technology, with the use of the telephone, email, the internet, social media and every other form of
communication we have at our disposal, people can choose for themselves, based off information received to vote their conscience. The
creation of the Electoral College was sinister to begin with and it has outlived its nefarious purpose and usefulness.
3) The Electoral College prevented women, enslaved black people, and the uneducated from voting. Unless one was wealthy, educated,
white male and a land owner did it apply. The world has changed. So, this method of voting should change with the times as it was
created off sexism and racism. It is a pillar of institutionalized racism that built America.
4) Abolishing the Electoral College will stop swing States from having sway in close elections. Purple states will be like any other state where
candidates will have to fight to earn the votes of the people.
5) The Electoral College protects and promotes the dreadful 2 Party System. Abolishing it would encourage and add more Third Parties
development. After all, Democracy is about the inclusion of differing ideas and to have broader participation of varying political
philosophies right? Consensus should be what it’s all about where a majority has a better say in how America should be governed. It
should be a Government of the people and by the people. Those in the Armed Forces sacrificed and even died so we have the freedom
to choose who represents us. All stops should be made to make voting easier for all citizens. Not what we have now where the far right is
trying to limit who votes. This is a travesty and a slap to the face of everything decent and right.
Do Better Congress!
The people deserve at least that much. Close the revolving door of after serving in Congress, one gets a high paying job as a Lobbyist. It screams conflict of interests. You are there to serve the people and not wealthy corporations and/or individuals. No person who serves in Congress should own stocks and be involved in Wall Street. Regulate Wall Street. But, I know my pleas will fall on deaf ears as politicians today are in it for themselves and for what works in favor of themselves and their respective political party. Prime examples of who I am talking about are: Mitch McConnell, Lauren Boebert, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Joe Manchin III and so much more.
Last but not least, congratulations to Rep. Lauren Boebert of Colorado. She will be a divorced grandma at age 36. I believe that is a new trailer park record.
Until next time, stay well America!
Best Regards,
David Franklin