Project 2025 is a Political agenda authored by more than 50 Conservative-leaning groups, think tanks, educational institutions & publications are listed on its advisory board, including the Claremont Institute, Young America’s Foundation, and the Defense of Freedom Institute. Conservatives under the guidance of the Heritage Foundation has contributions from over 30 authors. It outlines the presidential agenda should Republicans retake the WH in 2025.
The nearly 1,000 page document with language that outlines an US vs.THEM ideology will cause division not compromise and unity. The goal is to dismantle 3 branches of government: Legislative, executive, and judicial. Every page has fearful language about the “Radical Left”, “Liberal Agenda” and seeks to threaten, scare and intimidate readers into panic and could lead them to vote against their best interests out of fear.
The horrible things hidden in Project 2025
Say goodbye to Religious freedoms. Page 13 highlights the disdain for religious freedom and the Constitution. It offers all citizens the unalienable right to pursue HAPPINESS but replaces that word with “BLESSEDNESS. This will force the historic words to fit their religious dogma!
The literal text reads from Project 2025:
“When the founders spoke of “pursuit of happiness” what they meant might be understood as “Pursuit of Blessedness.” That is, an individual must be free to live as his Creator wanted.
“Might” is the operative word. The authors of Project 2025 knew full well that the founding fathers meant happiness when they said happiness. They also knew full well that the First Amendment enshrined our rights to worship who or what we please! The 1st amendment clearly states, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.”
Reframing “happiness” as it states in the 1st amendment as some type of blessedness that “his creator” ordained goes against the existence of the Constitution and goes against the basic principles of what America stands for.
Will people be free to not worship? Will they be free to worship the creator of choice? The answer is no! The creator must be the Judio-Christian version of God. Who gets to decide who this new constitutional creator is? It will not be you! The authors maintain that the only true freedom is to worship Christianity.
It calls for the erasure (AKA-genocide) of people who do not fit into it’s strict order while dismanteling many legal protections and regulations designed to protect AVERAGE AMERICANS!
Trans/LGBTQ will be erased!
The document labels all mentions of transgender people pornographic and insists that anyone producing or distributing this new pornography will be imprisoned! The language explicitly targets members of the trans community for imprisonment for existing. Will these insane conservatives follow through on such horror? How can they believe that identity can be rebranded as pornographic should terrify anyone!
Art is illegal
Art is freedom of speech and expression. Imagine being jailed because your “art” is labeled pornography? Imagine a teacher going to jail for showing Michelangelo’s masterpiece, DAVID? Could students express themselves by sketching nudes? This is a slippery slope and inhibits the freedom that art gives.
Dismantling Government agencies & taking the reins of Government
The list is long: The White House Office, Executive office of the President of the United States, Central Personnel Agencies managing the Bureaucracy. Department of Defense, Department of Homeland Security, Department of Energy, Department of Education, Department of State, Intelligence Community, Media Agencies: U.S. Agency for Global Media, Corporation for Public Broadcasting, Agency for International Development. Revamp the Veterans Administration, changing disability ratings for future claimants to save money, transitioning essential healthcare for Veterans to private, for profit corporations and removing the VA’s leadership and replacing them with political appointees to serve and agenda! The paper also calls for a top-to-bottom overhaul of the Department of Justice, this includes curtailing the FBI’s program against what it sees as misinformation, the reinstatement of former service members who lost their jobs after reducing the COVID-19 vaccine, and the abolition of what is described as the woke agenda within the Pentagon. Gut Civil Rights protections. An Introductory note makes it very clear that the new Republican President should put this in effect immediately.
Schedule FOne of the most eye -catching proposals is a plan to reintroduce schedule F, a Trump era executive order that was rescinded by President Biden. Schedule would reclassify tens of thousands of federal workers making them easier to fire or plainly said at will workers who can be fired more easily.
Removing Necessary Regulations
The agenda seeks to stop regulating nuclear power, toxic waste, workplace safety, food safety, pharmaceuticals, air pollution, child labor laws, or any essential activities for keeping people safe. The agenda seeks to dismantle regulations for political points and to make their founders rich. Page 144 states explicitly it will abolish every immigration policy that was put in place by the Biden administration. Page 331 describes abolishing Title 9 and other student protections. Title IX promotes equal access to education & equal treatment in schools. They seek to end the Department of Education, instead forcing children into religious-based charter schools for indoctrination.
Chapters 12 & 13 serve as giant cash grabs for big money interests in oil and energy. They seek to dismantle clean water, air, and energy safeguards. Chapter 18 seeks to limit workplace protections enforced by the Department of Labor.
Making Government PoliticalCivil servants come from all walks of life from Conservative Georgia & liberal California. They span the gambit of political affiliations from the 2 main parties to independent, Green, Libertarian and everything in between. These civil servants put aside their political agenda to do their jobs in the service of their country. Project 2025 seeks to change that with political litmus tests for government service. It aims to replace the experts and the experienced with political agendas, destroying the government’s ability to serve its people.
Rules for any candidate
The agenda doesn’t leave room for different candidates to express other plans. The Heritage Foundation is one of the most influential conservation organizations in the country! So any potential candidate knows the message is clear! Get on board or you will not win! A new GOP administration would be stocked with climate deniers, fossil fuel executives, investors, and lobbyists to carry out the plan when all-of-government and society response is needed to address the climate crisis, create flexible communities and infrastructure, and accelerate the green transition. This will not happen if project 2025 has a chance to be implemented.There is a war being waged against our children and grandchildren’s future.”
A few main points of Project 2025:
1. It will repeal the Inflation Reduction Act-
2. What census questions to ask and how, will have long-lasting effects on the statistics used to divide up congressional seats and electoral college votes, redraw voting districts for every level of government.
3. Conservative groups want the next census to ask for citizenship status of every person living in every household in the United States.
4. Register teachers and librarians who provide any such material to children as sex offenders, thus destroying their livelihood .
5, Exclude critical race theory from all public schools.
6. Rule any affirmation of a trans child’s gender to child abuse.
7. Ban anyone under 18 from using social media without parental consent.
8. Bust all public unions!
9. Use the army for border protection (using excuse of drugs)
10. Put military recruiters in secondary schools and address “discouraging” people from signing up.
11. Require all kids to take a military aptitude test!!
12, Throw all trans people out of the military
13. Use Special Forces in the U.S.
14, Investigate the Afghan evacuees we rescued from the Taliban.
15. Put unaccompanied minors who cross the border in tent camps.
16. Make it hard to get asylum
17. Remove Visas given to victims of trafficking unless the “cooperate” with law enforcement
18. Repeal Temporary Protected Status, which is given to people in GENUINE DANGER while asylum proceedings take place.
19. Deny student loans if your school allows illegal aliens to have in-state tuition (to discourage students from attending those schools)
20. Make sure the voice of America is an appropriate propaganda tool
21. Stop funding PBS & NPR22. Remove all gender equality language from government materials.
23. Stop trying to prevent climate change because it is too expensive. Instead use diplomacy to try and make everyone else stop trying too.
24. Remove government DEI programs. Fire any government employee that favors diversity.
25. Restore and broaden prohibitions on funding abortions with government money to the point where home-based NGOs would probably not be able to mention it. Or provide coverage to their employees.
26. Stop USAID from promoting contraception in foreign aid.
27. Focus on working on faith-based organizations for foreign aid.
28. Prevent the NIH from doing further gender research.
29. Remove medication abortion from the market.
30. Prevent states from waiving SNAP work requirements, and make those requirements more difficult.
31. Prevent schools from giving free lunch to all students
32. Take away summer lunches from kids who are not in summer school, even though it’s only one meal kids get.
33. Allow meat to be sold across state borders without federal inspections
34. Repeal the mandate to label GMO food
35. Ensure all trans children are OUTED by their parents
36. Require that teachers need parental consent to use a trans kid’s correct name and pronoun
37 Force accreditation agencies to allow religious schools to do pretty much whatever they want!
38 Make it pretty hard for student loans to be forgiven
39 End energy efficiency standards for appliances
40 Eliminate all government demonstration programs…
41.Prevent environmental considerations from being used in building a siting pipelines
42 Use the CDC to tell people abortion is risky and dangerous
43 Allow the importation of vaccines – only because ours in this country are somehow linked to abortion
44 Ban all research into three-parent embryo creation and human cloning- (3 parent embryo produce healthy kids for couples who can’t have children)
45 Force NIH to study the negative impacts of gender affirming care
46 Make it even harder to get Medicaid and add limits to Medicaid
47 Prevent federal funds from being used by women traveling out of state to get an abortion
49 BLOCK Planned Parenthood from getting Medicaid funds
50. Withdraw Medicaid funds for states that require insurers to cover abortion
51 Prevent the Emergency Medical Treatment & Active Labor Act from being used to protect doctors who don’t wait until a woman is dying to perform an abortion
52 Prevent mask mandates in healthcare
53 Prevent the Teen Pregnancy Prevention program from suggesting abortion to kids
54 Keep same sex couples from adopting
55 Require family planning clinics to provide information about “the importance of marriage”
56 Allow faith-based groups to discriminate against same gender couples
57 Eliminate Head Start Program
58 Prevent physician assisted suicide59 Allow insurers and employers NOT to cover contreception
60 Remove contraception from preventie care under the ACA- in other words people currently do not have to pay for it
61 Disallow HIV/Aids service providers from providing gender affirming care
62 Fund “Home Based” child care instead of daycare…So this pays parents for staying home instead of working.. stupid
63 If there is another pandemic there will be NO Eviction moratorium
64 End public housing
65 Increase oil extraction in Alaska
66 Prevent National Parks Service from issuing rules about predator control
67 Weaken endangered species protections
68 Bring Federal charges against criminals when “local Jurisdictions wrongfully allow them to evade responsibility- (this is about Marijuana)!
69 Death penalty. More executions
70 Allow discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation, gender identity, transgender status or sex characteristics-
71 Dismantle and break NOAA Reduce oceanic research and atmospheric research (CLimate change)
72 Prevent social media platforms from banning people based on “political” views