For The Love of Country: Why Won’t Republicans Cultivate Common Sense (And Some Decency)?
What seems like 100 differing and varying factions within the Republican Party each spouting at very least 2 or 3 ‘strong’ and opposing views on the same issues cause the heads of the American public to spin. Heads twirl in disbelief, with skepticism, in confusion, in perplexity, and bewilderment. The actions of these well-paid (with taxpayers’ money) juveniles reflect the chaos, turmoil and mayhem which exist in the thinking of the leaders of the Republican Party and if the public is not careful it gets absorbed into this disorientation. But time and again, the American people have demonstrated that they have the ability to sift through gunk and grime and know what is sense and what is pure unadulterated bullshit. No one, not even the Republican Party members can say or understand what the GOP stands for.
As Peter Marshall, the US Senate Chaplain in 1947 and then pastor of the New York Avenue Presbyterian Church in Washington, DC said, the American people is currently saying to the GOP “Give us clear vision, that we may know where to stand and what to stand for – because unless we stand for something, we shall fall for anything.”
To the unyielding effort to repeal the Affordable Healthcare Act (aka Obama Care) even when these schooled gentlemen and ladies know this is an exercise in futility they continue to bring it up at the expense of doing some real work for the pay they are collecting! Trump promised his version of healthcare for four years. The GOP has said they have a plan for the past eight years. Where is it? I deliberately use the word “schooled” versus “educated” since it would be an insult to those of us who are truly educated to include these crazies in the category of the educated. Some of these persons claim Ivy League education and to whom much is given, much is expected. But they contradict this idiom. We have grown to expect nothing from these Ivy Leaguers. It was the conservative Heritage Foundation’s preferred choice that healthcare reform in the 1990s included the individual mandate to buy health insurance. But now again their rabid opposition to their own brainchild is obviously a diseased one. Here is another instance where the pigmentation of the Healthcare ambassador putting forward this same solution has poisoned the fruit of good sense? Conservatives have painstakingly renounced its own position because it has now emerged as the centerpiece of Obama’s health care reform. Answer me this other question – ‘Are Republicans aware that they are there to see to the progress of the country or to live and ride their ideology bandwagon to the death of the country?’
The Rise And Fall Of “STARS” In The Republican Party:
Stars keep rising and falling in the Republican Party. Let’s take a look at these jokers, shall we?
Rep. Marjorie Taylor-Greene(R-GA 14th): Born May 27, 1974 (49 years old). She is a far right-wing politician, conspiracy theorist, and businesswoman.
MTG has promoted anti-Semetic and White Supremacist views. Her background promotes the following:
1) White Genocide Conspiracy (“They Will Not Replace Us”) Theory
2) Q-Anon and Pizzagate
3) Amplified various fringe conspiracy theories that have been debunked repeatedly. She has allege government involvement in
mass shootings across the United States
4) Implicated the Clinton family in murder
5) Suggested that the tragedy of 9/11 were a hoax
6) Called for the execution of prominent Democratic Party politicians like Hilary Clinton and Barack Obama.
7) Equated the Democratic Party to Nazis (Re: “Gespacho”)
8) Compared Covid-19 safety measures to the persecution of Jews during the Holocaust. She later apologized for this erroneous comparison.
9) Promotes Russian propaganda during the Russian invasion of Ukraine. She praise Vladimir Putin on a daily basis.
10) Proudly identifies as a White Christian Nationalist who supports traitors who invaded Capitol Hill on January 6th, 2021.
11) Promotes the false claim that the 2020 presidential election was stolen.
12) Filed articles of impeachment against US President Joe Biden for “Abuse of Power”. It failed miserably as members of both
parties united to kill the resolution.
MTG has not, since assuming office in January 2020, written nor co-sponsored any major piece of legislation to move America forward in a positive way. The only reason why she won re-election in 2022 is because her Congressional District 14 in Georgia, like many Republican Congressional Districts around the country, is heavily gerrymandered.
Here is a list of its deplorable members:
Brandon Gill (Texas 26th) Yvette Harris (New Mexico 2nd) Lauren Boebert (Colorado 4th)
Mark Harris (North Carolina 8th) Marlin Stutzman (Indiana 3rd) Eli Crane (Arizona 2nd)
Bob Goode (Virginia 5th) Anna Paulina Luna (Florida 13th) Scott Perry (Pennsylvania 10th)
Cameron Hamilton (Virginia 7th) Neil Parrott (Maryland 6th) Bob Onder (Missouri 3rd)
Brandon Herrera (Texas 23rd) Jim Jordan (Ohio 4th) Andy Biggs (Arizona 5th)
Chip Roy (Texas 21st) Dan Bishop (North Carolina 8th) Paul Gosar (Arizona 9th)
Mark Greene (Tennessee 7th) Diana Harshbarger (Tennessee 1st) Jody Hice (Georgia 10th)
Clay Higgins (Louisiana 3rd) Debbie Lesko (Arizona 8th) Mary Miller (Illinois 15th)
Alex Mooney (West Virginia 2nd) Barry Moore (Alabama 2nd) Ralph Norman (South Carolina 5th)
Gary Palmer (Alabama 6th) Bill Posey (Florida 8th) Matt Rosendale (Montana 2nd)
David Schweikert (Arizona 1st) Greg Steube (Florida 17th) Tom Tiffany (Wisconsin 7th)
Randy Webber (Texas 14th) Andrew Clyde (Georgia 9th) Warren Davidson (Ohio 8th)
Scott DesJarlais (Tennessee 4th) Jeff Duncan (South Carolina 3rd) Russ Fulcher (Idaho 1st)
Matt Gaetz (Florida 1st) Byron Donalds (Florida 19th) Marjorie Taylor Greene (Georgia 14th)
All 435 seats in the US House of Representatives are up for election in 2024. Are these 42 seats listed winnable for Democrats? These people are beyond disgusting as they have done everything opposite of their duties by curbing Women’s Reproductive Rights, trying to make Christianity the National Religion and wanting America to have unrestricted freedom as it relates to the Second Amendment. They actually salivate over the thought of the AR-15 assault rifle becoming the national gun. None of these members of the 117th Congress has done anything in trying to stop gun violence. They have shut down red flag legislations and against thorough background checks. They only offer “thoughts and prayers” for victims of school shootings and overall gun violence that plagues America. They helped in killing Comprehensive Immigration Reform (with help from Senate Republicans who wrote the bill).
Call the Congressional Switchboard at 202-225-3121. If you are not sure who your Congressperson is? Tell the operator your zip code. They will put you through to who you need to speak to as it relates to issues you care about. Always be respectful but strong in tone. We need to tell these Republicans that what they are doing is a waste of time and tax payer resources.
Also, ask them the following:
1) What are their plans for Comprehension Immigration Reform?
2) What are their plans for saving Social Security, Medicare and Medic Aid? They are not entitlement programs as millions of Americans have paid into the system and deserve a cushion for when they retire. Stop stealing money from these programs to fund future unjust wars that America has no business starting or being in.
3) Tell them not to raise the retirement age.
4) Why are they so beholden to a traitor like Donald Trump? Does he and Vladimir Putin have secrets on them?
5) Why are they choosing their seriously flawed “conservative” political ideology and political career over what is right for America?
6) When will they write and vote on legislation regulating Artificial Intelligence (AI)? AI needs to be regulated.
7) When will they debate on, write legislation and vote into law Comprehensive Prison Reform that looks out for people who commit non-violent crimes? The criminal justice system is skewed against minorities and give certain offenders less prison time for the same crime. Time to erase the racism within the criminal justice system and stop taking SUPER PAC money from the Prison Industrial Complex.
8) Invest more money in Public Schools and less in Chartered Private Schools who tend to white wash and water down the curriculum. Stop with the Social Engineering of the upcoming generation. America need to speak about our dark and troubled history of bloodshed against ethnic groups who were here before America was “discovered”.
9) Close the revolving door of Lobbyist/Special Interest groups and the US Congress. This is where members of Congress get cushy jobs after they retire from public office or is beaten at the ballot box. It does not serve the purpose of tax payers who elected them.
10) Pass meaningful Gun Reform legislation with red flag laws and background checks. Members of society, if they desire to own a gun, have to do an intense psychiatric evaluation, go to the gun range to practice with trained gun safety professionals over a period of time to get certified and not have a history of domestic abuse and/or have been affiliated with any street gangs or state militia movements.
11) Tell them to raise the Federal Minimum Wage from the average of $7.25 and hour to $15 an hour. (if not more)
12) Write and pass stronger legislation regarding protecting childen from loose Child Labor Laws.
13) Regulate Big Business more to save the environment. Climate Change is a real thing and not a “Liberal Hoax”. Tax the Wealthy as they pay little to no taxes. Fentanyl is now the leading cause of death for Americans between the ages of 18 and 45. Stop the blame game and disparaging Mexicans. It is mostly Americans (86%) who smuggle drugs from across the US-Mexico border. Stop villainizing hard working immigrants.
14) Why do nine billionaires and their families own 90% of the Main Stream Media in America? When one owns and pays for the orchestra, they can choose the music. It kills critical thinking in a society today that desperately need it. Bring back the Fairness Doctrine!
These should be helpful questions and comments for when you speak to your member of Congress. Whether it be a Congressperson or a member of the US Senate. Again, do your best to be respectful but firm. This is the greatest country in the history of the world. We are going to unite against xenophobia, sexism, continue to fight against racism is every form and speak up for the marginalized like the LGBTQ+ Community and immigrants who just want to start fresh with better economic opportunities to grow. America is now more than a melting pot. We are an ethnic salad welcoming people from all walks of life and faiths and political stripes. This is why we are the greatest nation in the history of the world. Our differences make us stronger and better. Can you imagine America under a dictator with Corporations calling all the shots behind the scenes? Can you picture an America that is homegenuous and ran stricly by religious dogma under the Christian belief? Can you imagine an America ran by a figure head idiot like Donald Trump or worse who wants power for life? If you don’t want that, will you please register and vote in your State primary and general election coming up this November 2024? This is the extreme case of life and death of our freedoms and Democracy itself. No excuses should be entertained as Trump and the current Republican Party are a menace to Society and to the World. The Republican Party is incapable of cultivating common sense amongst themselves much less the entire country. Forget about any form of decency from them either. They get power and do everything to hold on to that power by gerrymandering, threatening political adversaries with intimidation tactics including violence and do not know how to govern. They want to replace the US Constitution with the Christian Holy Bible. What will stop them from banning other religions or persecute non-believers? They have shown their insanity. When someone shows you who they are? Believe them!
Do the correct thing on Tuesday, November 5th, 2024…
Until next time America…stay vigilant and be safe out there.
– By David Franklin