The Case For Why America Still Need Joe Biden & Kamala Harris Re-Elected In 2024
Here is a list of the many achievements and accomplishments of the Biden-Harris Administration
-Gave $15/hr to federal workers and contractors
-Cut the contracts that the Department of Justice had with private prisons
-Reinstalled the Paris Climate Agreement
-Put us back into the World Health Organization
-Invested $4 billion into HBCUs
-Appointed the first black woman onto the Supreme Court
-Helped over 8.2 million Americans struggling with medical debt
-Brought the medical debt from $200 billion to $88 billion
-Added over 12 million jobs to the economy
-Pulled out of Afghanistan
-Capped the cost of insulin at $35/month
-Cut $1400 stimulus checks
-8nvested over $60 billion in creating manufacturing jobs
-On shored over 350,000 jobs
-Put a pause on the US giving weapons to Saudi Arabia
-Passed the Covid Relief Package, which expanded unemployment benefits
-Reunited over 500 migrant children with their families
-Enrolled over 16 million Americans onto health insurance
-Lowered healthcare costs and energy costs for many households
-Cancelled $10,000 to $20,000 in student debt per borrower
-Passed bi-partisan gun reform
-Lowered gas prices to under $3.50/gallon
-Passed the PACT Act, which gave healthcare to veterans who were exposed to toxic burn pits
-Significantly lowered the drone strikes
This is why Kitchen Politics 123 is excited to promote the campaign to re-elect President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris in 2024. And with the help of Democratic Senators, Governors, and Congress people like Nancy Pelosi, Gretchen Whitmer, Ilhan Omar, Cory Booker, Bernie Sanders, Gavin Newsom, and many many others, were going to get it done!
On the contrary, what has Republicans done:
– Gutted regulations across the board in many industries. Soon, we won’t have any clean air or clean water. They don’t believe there is climate change. Wall Street has a field day not being heavily regulated and can do anything they please.
– Legislation to ban free speech for people who disagree with them politically and on a religious basis.
– First, they were for privatizing Social Security and Medicare. They call it an entitlement. Now they want to kill these programs people have invested in through their taxes.
– Unlimited access to guns. They don’t want background checks, suppress red flag laws and refuse to work with Democrats to ban all assault weapons that don’t belong on the streets. They are beholden to the National Rifle Association (NRA) who bankroll their political campaigns.
– Record number of hateful bills put forward to discriminate against LGBTQ rights. Pushing conversion therapy and to “pray the gay away”.
– Voted against every legislation that helps women get equality. No to maternity leave and equal pay for equal work. Voted no on renewing the Violence Against Women Act.
– Does not want Comprehensive Immigration Reform. They rather kick the can down the road and not work with Democrats to come to any solutions on fixing the problem.
– Holding America hostage as the Debt Ceiling negotiations are fast approaching. They want their way or no way at all. Their way would cause the loss of jobs, the further dissemination of the Middle Class, more tax cuts for the wealthiest 1% and a kick in the teeth to veterans who fought and bled for America in wars.
– Infrastructure is not important to them. Roads, buildings, bridges, etc. need fixing as the last time an overhaul happened was in the 1950s.
– Republicans want to invest more in the private prison industry and the military industrial complex rather than invest in public education.
– Giving women the right to choose what to do with their own bodies. Republicans claim they are against Big Government. But, what is more Big Government than trying to get into a woman’s vagina and people’s private bedrooms?
– Republicans want desperately to merge Church with State and make Christianity the official religion of America. They wrongly believe their religion is the only true religion and that America was “founded on Christian principles.”
– Ban books and imprison librarians if they have books they deem unsuitable for children to read. They have already banned teaching black history and the bloody history of the United States as it relates to slavery, tears of broken trail (where Native Americans were murdered) and what America went through fighting for equality by various minorities.
– Planned and instigated a coup against the US Government while praising/defending insurrectionists who attacked Capitol Hill on January 6th, 2021. Republicans are for a dictatorship type regime in America with them in charge. They despise Democracy.
-Because of their lack of vision and inability to govern, Republicans depend on gerrymandering on the Federal, State and local levels to get into office. They campaign on fear and are vehemently against the collective prosperity for all.
These are just a handful of things Republicans want. They look out for themselves and the people who finance them. These are just a few things the Biden-Harris Administration has accomplished in 4 years. Who do you think cares more for American prosperity? Certainly not the Republican Party.
Republicans are behaving like tyrants and must be stopped before America loses its Democracy for good. The time for talking is over. It’s time to put the pedal to the metal to get Joe Biden and Kamala Harris re-elected. Give them a solid 60 seat Senate that would be filibuster proof, and a majority Democratic US House of Representatives, so America can start prospering even more. The GOP have shown repeatedly that they don’t care about America.
Mass shootings in America has become common and it’s beginning to feel normal. Let me make it abundantly clear that nothing about this is “normal”. It is unfair to ask children, or anybody for that matter, to accept this as a way of life in America now.
Republican politicians are bought and paid for by the National Rifle Association (NRA), as well as other wealthy Multi-National Corporations, who almost always never pay their fair share in taxes. It is these special interest groups and Corporations who write bills to be passed into law by our Congress. Some, if not most, of these politicians, regardless of party affiliation, vote for the passage of these bills without so much as reading them before voting for passage. Why? Because politicians are funded by these Corporations who lack any moral decency. The only obligation Corporations have is to their share holders where the bottom line is what matters most. Money and making a profit is all they care about. This is what fuels a capitalist economy and nothing wrong in wanting to make profits. What is wrong is how they achieve their goals. It is pay to play, and not much thought, if any, is given to the regular people on how it affects the Middle Class and Working Families. Doesn’t America deserve better than this? Why is it that if a politician either retires, or is voted out of office, he or she has a sweet lobbyist job waiting for them? There ought to be a law banning all politicians from accepting high paying corporate lobbyist jobs after they serve their time in Congress, as it is clear that it is a conflict of interest. That law will never be passed because they all do it. They all look out for themselves and not the people who elected them. That is disgraceful and lacks common moral decency. America deserves better.
Nobody Wants To Take Away Your GunsWhy are guns a priority over our children? It doesn’t say much about these Republicans on all levels of government. When somebody tell you who they are? Believe them! By their toxic rhetoric and through their vile actions, Republicans show us daily who they are. We shouldn’t expect anything less from evil Fascists should we? It says a lot more about the people who vote for these dangerous clowns.
What happened in the Tennessee House of Representatives recently was nothing short of political lynching. Two duely elected African-Americans, Rep. Justin Jones and Rep. Justin Pearson, were expelled for trying to speak up for truth and justice. They, through their constituents who elected them, want real gun reforms. Nothing wrong in that, is there? Their First Amendment Rights were stiffled and they were bullied by the Republican majority. The third member, State Representative Gloria Johnson, was saved from expulsion by 1 vote. 1 single vote! According to Representative Johnson, the only reason why she was spared expulsion is because “I’m white”. Those were her words, not mine. What does that say about where we are as a nation as it pertains to racial equality and social justice?
Tennessee is the birth place of the Ku Klux Klan. So, it should come as no surprise as to what transpired in the State’s House of Representatives. Tennessee, like the rest of the South, is still angry about losing the US Civil War. In Germany, it is against the law to have Nazi memorabilia and to openly praise what Adolf Hitler and the Third Reich stood for. In America, we build statues and dedicate monuments to losers. Why is that? Why do we praise racism and stupidity? Why are some of us so proud of racism? They are the first ones who will scream on top of their lungs that they are not racist but protecting their heritage. What heritage? What they are defending is bigotry and hate. Not heritage! They are collectively insane. They are sore losers who have a feeling of entitlement and privilege. What will people like these do when America become a Majority Minority country? According to the Department of Labor statistics, by 2045, America will have more people of color because of mixed unions and mixed marriages. What will these racists do when that becomes reality? Thank goodness for Millenials and Generation Z, who has outgrown such backward thinking and have embraced change whole heartedly. They are the future. They will be the leaders who will unite America further and for the better in the 21st century. Slowly but surely, the hateful people who teach racism and flaunt their privilege will die out eventually. Racism won’t die out completely but at least, they won’t have the power to cause pain like they do now through institutionalized racism, sexism and bigotry. America is better than that.
We have fought for what liberties and freedoms we have because of the sacrifices of John Lewis, Gloria Steinhem, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and so many more people too numerous to mention. It feels like we are fighting for it all over again because of fascist Republicans. From civil rights to women’s rights and everything in between. This madness must stop! And it will by voting. Whether it is a presidential election year or midterm elections, your vote is of fundamental importance America. Never take it for granted because Republicans, and interest groups who share their insane beliefs, are trying to take it away from you. To a certain extent, they have succeeded but, to the detriment of the majority. By filling the justice system with conservative judges, political gerrymandering and influx of unlimited big money organizations like Citizens United, they have disregarded what the majority want and rightly deserve.
MAGA-Churches play a huge role in where we are today when it comes on to what’s wrong in society. If money is the root of all evil, why are churches always begging for it? Why do certain churches preach politics and defend right wing lunacy and hypocrisy? If any church preach to their followers about who to vote for? The IRS should tax them like any other business entity. It is only fair as the US Constitution clearly states:
“Congress shall make no law, respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibit the free exercise thereof.” ~Establishment Clause
“No religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any office or public Trust under the United States.” ~Article VI of the US Constitution
This simply means there will be no official State religion lawfully established.
“In the words of Thomas Jefferson, the clause against establishment of religion by law was intended to erect a wall of separation between Church and State.”~US Supreme Court Justice Hugo BlackEverson vs. Board of Education (1947)
There are several other cases throughout the years that the US Supreme Court has reviewed and all of them upheld what Thomas Jefferson stated.
In conclusion, we must keep fighting and never give up. It is not right that a few, who has unlimited financial resources, try to skew things in such a way, that it benefits them and people of their ilk. Majority should always rule. And what is going on today in America is not what the majority wants. It must always be about “We The People”. Not about the wealthy, privileged few. The sooner the powers that be realize this? The better off we all will be. A more prosperous union that creates opportunity for the Masses and not the entitled few. If that isn’t realized, what can we expect when the tension breaks? France elite learned that the hard way. Let’s not make it happen in the United States. It happened once with the Civil War. We deserve only the best. Not kakistocracy and a delusional dictator wanna-be who is pathalogically mendacious and probably a sociopath hell bent on selling out our Democracy to the highest bidder.
America, you deserve better. America is getting better leadership with Joe Biden, Kamala Harris and the Democratic Party. The Republicans have shown the world who they are and what they stand for. Believe them and stop voting for such losers. They don’t care about you but do care about power and money. Send the GOP a clear message in 2024. It’s the only way we can have a more perfect Union. They stand for nothing! And I predict within a decade, if not sooner, they will cease to exist as a political establishment because of what they have become.
Until next time…God Bless America! 🇺🇸