We will explore the stark difference between Democracy & Autocracy and see what is at stake in this election. In my opinion this will be the most crucial and consequential presidential election year in our lifetime.
Those of us that have lived in America all our lives have taken for granted the freedoms we all enjoy without even giving it a second thought. There are many types of governments but we will focus on our democracy and autocracy.
In a Democracy governing authority is granted to the people or governing officials through free elections. Systems with more freedom typically have limits and division of power is placed upon the government and the constitution is in existence to ensure the checks and balances are in place. Our government is elected by citizens. We vote for our government officials, These officials represent ideas and concerns of citizens. The fundamental worth and dignity of every person is recognized, along with human rights and minority rights. Compromise is a necessity. Equality is important in a Democracy. We must recognize as human beings, we all have the same value. In other words we all have the same rights, we should all be treated with the same level of respect, and have the same access to opportunities and there are actual laws that support this.
The governing power in an autocracy is concentrated around one individual who is not limited or has no checks and balances and has absolute power.
The autocrat has total control over the exercise of civil liberties and maintains power through political repression against opposition of other influential or powerful members of society. The general public is controlled through brainwashing and propaganda. Sound familiar??
They try to legitimize itself in the eyes of the public through ideology, religion, birthright, or foreign hostility. They establish legislatures, unfair elections, or show trials to further control while presenting the appearance of democracy.
Those of us that have never experienced living in an Autocracy would not be happy living in one. Here are some examples of how different our lives would be.
There is no Freedom of Expression. The reason for this is that Autocratic leaders do not expect opposition. Your ideas or opinions do not matter and are suppressed even though the ideas may be good ones.
You are forced to accept the leader’s claims. There is reduced independence and Autocrats also have total control over your exercising civil liberties, they choose under what circumstances they may be exercised or not at all.
Government spending (and investment) in education, healthcare, housing is stopped. The safety nets in place like welfare and unemployment benefits are gone. All subsidies (in culture, clean energy, solar panels, religion and sports among other things are stopped. The idea is that taxpayers know better how to spend THEIR money than civil servants and politicians. Taxes are all a flat rate
let’s say 25%. Government debt is paid off asap (only made possible because the government’s responsibilities are cut drastically). All export and import tariffs are abolished, all minimum and maximum pricing policies are abandoned. The country leaves all international organizations like NATO etc. Finally in some Autocracies Freedom of Expression is not allowed. It depends on the Autocratic leader.
The best example of an autocracy is Adolf Hitler in Germany from 1933-1945. Adolf took control of every decision made and the people had no choice but to follow orders.
We must in this 2024 election understand that if Trump becomes president our lives, futures, hopes and dreams for ourselves, our families, our children and grandchildren will be in jeopardy and our Democracy will be set on fire.
Vote with your heart, love for your country as it stands in an unwavering Democracy for over 200 years.
-Lori Pica