2024 is the years when the Republican Party dies a painful political death and fade into oblivion once and for all. It is no longer the Party of Lincoln or Ike. They aren’t even the Party of Nixon anymore. And Nixon was a vile scumbag. To be worse than Richard Nixon is saying volumes not only about Trump but also those who follow him and continue to vote for him and people of his ilk. Comparing them to pond scum is a compliment and a slap in the face to true conservatism.

The demise of the GOP can’t come quick enough as the world is watching closely how we respond to this adversity. Republicans live in a dystopian world fueled by illogical religious dogma. They would love if America transformed into a real life version of Hand Maiden’s Tale. The masturbatory experience they must have by just thinking about it is orgasmic for them in more ways than one. NEWS FLASH CLOWNS…IT AIN’T HAPPENING! Snap out of your drunken religious stupor and act like you have some intelligence.

Many Americans have unfortunately view the outsourcing of domestic manufacturing to China over the past 25 years as some devious Chinese plan for total world domination. It was always the strategy by the American Ruling Class to build their Corporate and personal profit margins by exploiting global economic inequalities. The European Economic Union, and member nations of BRICS, have gotten all their ducks in a row and about to challenge the world economic trade monopoly that America has enjoyed since the end of World War II. Are we ready to take up this challenge? This will be the fight of our lives. This is for the very survival of America in every way imaginable.

What recourse can the United States take to combat these economic power houses? Have you personally given a thought to uniting the US with Canada and Mexico under one economic umbrella regarding trade, one North American currency and limited open borders? We live in a world where physical borders are dumb and basically unnecessary. It works for the EU, BRICS and other economic trading blocs around the world. We need to think outside the box and find new ways of expanding trade and commerce. America needs a Universal Basic Income program like what they have in Scandinavian countries. It has been successful for the most part. Many people will think that Universal Basic Income is Socialism. Well, it is not. I seriously doubt people who criticize this idea even know the definition of Socialism is? And Socialism is not Communism. Capitalism, like Communism, has failed miserably. America  needs a new economic model where the majority prospers and there can be a peaceful, workable co-existence between a responsible and well regulated Corporate model and an Egalitarian Society where everyone is treated equally regardless of gender, sexual orientation, level of education, ethnic background and religious beliefs. The Capitalist system is dead. It has been murdered by trickle down economic policies and the greed of the Reagan Revolution of 1980. It started with Republican president Calvin Coolidge and, ever so often, every Republican president since then, have rebooted it even though it has been a proven economic failure. They have always shown us who they are. My question is why do some Americans keep voting for them? That liquid you feel falling from above is not rain. The Republicans, and Wall Street, are basically peeing on you and calling it rain. If one is not too careful, they may drown in Republican Wall Street backed pee. Deregulation and lack of honesty and accountability are curse words in their vocabulary. They thrive on greed and excess. Today, trickled down economics is on steroids where a narcissistic businessman, who has managed to bankrupt his $400 million inheritance up-teen times, is looked upon as a savior in more ways than one. America wrecks of Nazi Germany small dick energy in many ways. This is dangerous at home and abroad. We must do everything in our power to squash Trumpism once and for all. Donald Trump isn’t the cause of this problem. He is a symptom of this problem.

Stop defunding public schools. Stop using Federal Prisons as it is the modern day version of slavery. Teach the true history of America. Not some watered down version because it makes some in our society feel “uncomfortable”. Teach proper reading, writing and arithmatic to build a stronger foundation for future generations. Stop being intellectually lazy and having this false sense of entitlement because we live in the freest society in the world. We really don’t. Because, if we really did, would right wing nut jobs try to ban books? Ban LGBTQ+ rights? Trying to ban birth control and Women’s Reproductive Rights? What next? Banning inter-racial unions? Banning (fill in the blank)?

The collective madness needs to stop!

Trumpism has given people permission to be complete assholes without consequences nor having any shame nor remorse. There are the many signs of Trumpism being a dangerous cult. Here is a list of the Trump Cult:

1. The leader is always right and unwilling to compromise.

2. Criticism or questioning of the leader is considered prosecuting him.

3. Anything the leader does is justified no matter how harmful and cruel it may be.

4. The leader is the only source of truth. Everybody else is lying and does not know what they are talking about

5. Followers must blindly devoted to the leader and never question him on anything.

6. The members of the MAGA Cult won’t and can’t recognize that they belong to a dangerous cult

The Republicans in the current House of Representatives are desperately trying to change the laws to keep Donald Trump out of federal prison. When that happens? You need a better candidate GOP. What you have offered thus far in 2024 has been nothing short of abysmal and embarrassing. You have ruined the court system by ramming all courts with ideological thinkers who believe in the Christian faith. Nothing is wrong with having faith. There is a huge problem when that religious faith try to defecate on the US Constitution and individual liberties enjoyed by many for decades upon decades. Go to Iran or Pakistan if you want to be ruled by religious odd balls and zealots. There is no place in my America for intolerance, bigotry and hate. We have come along way since the founding of this great but seriously flawed country. But we have a long way to go in refining and nurturing our fragile Democracy. We will not allow right wing lunatics take over by force and cheating and intimidating those who don’t share their world views. We are better than this. They are on the wrong side of history yet again. What will you tell your grand children and great grand children when it is ruined because you sat out this election? Never say “But both parties are the same” or “I’m voting for the lesser of 2 evils” then not exercise your right to actually vote. Too many have sacrificed. Some made the ultimate sacrifice with their lives by fighting for that right to become whoever you want to be. Don’t ever take that for granted as it is a spit in the face of those who has served and those who currently serve,

Happy Memorial Day to you and yours. Always respect and appreciate what you have because of the sacrifice made by a few. They paid ultimately with their lives. Never disrespect their legacy. Because if you do, you don’t deserve to call yourself an American

Until next time America…

By David Franklin