Kitchen Politics Conflicts

Jimmy Carter: A Legacy of Light

Jimmy Carter: A Legacy of Light

Jimmy Carter: A Legacy of Light By David Franklin In the quiet of the Southern dawn, Where the peach trees sway and life goes on, There stands a man with a gentle grace, A beacon of hope, with a humble face. Jimmy Carter, from Plains, Georgia’s heart, With values...

Why Donald Trump Is Unfit for the US Presidency

Why Donald Trump Is Unfit for the US Presidency

Why Donald Trump Is Unfit for the US Presidency By David Franklin The presidency of the United States is one of the most critical roles in the world, shaping not only the nation’s policies but also its moral and ethical standing globally. Donald Trump’s tenure as...

Is Cancel Culture and Woke Culture Destroying America?

Is Cancel Culture and Woke Culture Destroying America?

Introduction In recent years, the terms "cancel culture" and "woke culture" have dominated discussions surrounding social justice, free speech, and cultural change in America. Both concepts have their roots in activism and a desire for social progress, but they have...

Why Do Conservatives Hate Immigrants?

Why Do Conservatives Hate Immigrants?

Why Do Conservatives Hate Immigrants? The Ruling Class made poor whites feel superior to poor blacks. The abolition of slavery was the catalyst for deeper hatred in America. They preached that the black man was coming for your job. That the black men will rape your...



In the halls of power, steady and wise, Stands a leader with resolve in his eyes. Joe Biden, beacon of hope and steadying hand, Guiding a nation through uncertain land. With years of service etched upon his brow, He faces challenges with courage, here and now. From...

Prison & Profit – What’s the Connection- Part 2

Prison & Profit – What’s the Connection- Part 2

Did you know that incarcerated workers in the US produce at least $11 BILLION in goods and services annually but receive just pennies an hour in wages for their prison jobs, according to a new report from the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU). Nearly two-thirds of...

America: A Matriarchal Society In Evolution

America: A Matriarchal Society In Evolution

While traditionally viewed as a patriarchal society, America is currently undergoing a significant transformation towards matriarchal values and structures. This shift reflects changing social dynamics, economic trends, and cultural norms that increasingly prioritize...

Dear Republican Party…You Sold Your Soul

Dear Republican Party…You Sold Your Soul

Dear Republican Party...You sold your soul.  You used to stand for patriotism, but you sold your soul to a traitor who conspired with an enemy to destroy our precious Democracy. You used to stand for our Armed Forces, but you sold your soul to a five time draft dodger...

The Problem with Black (And Minority) Conservative Republicans

The Problem with Black (And Minority) Conservative Republicans

The Problem with Black (And Minority) Conservative Republicans Let's face it, conservatism is a severe mental illness. The political landscape of the United States is often framed in terms of binary opposites: liberals vs. conservatives. Democrats vs. Republicans....

In The Pursuit of Peace: Solutions to the Israel-Palestine…

In The Pursuit of Peace: Solutions to the Israel-Palestine…

In The Pursuit of Peace: Solutions to the Israel-Palestine Conflict Addressing the Israel-Palestine conflict requires a nuanced understanding of historical, political, and social dynamics, alongside a commitment to empathy and justice for both sides. While resolving...

Civil War 2.0 in 21st Century America. Can This Happen?

Civil War 2.0 in 21st Century America. Can This Happen?

The notion of a second civil war in the United States is a sobering and contentious topic that evokes strong emotions and divergent opinions. While it seems like a far fetched scenario, recent political polarization, social unrest, and economic disparities have fueled...

For The Love Of Country: Why Won’t The Republicans Cultivate…

For The Love Of Country: Why Won’t The Republicans Cultivate…

For The Love of Country:  Why Won't Republicans Cultivate Common Sense (And Some Decency)?  What seems like 100 differing and varying factions within the Republican Party each spouting at very least 2 or 3 ‘strong’ and opposing views on the same issues cause the heads...

Owning a Home in America- Is it just a dream?

Corporations backed by private equity groups such as Blackstone and Pretium Partners have bought tens of thousands of homes across the Sun Belt. Prices for detached homes have increased faster in key Sun Belt states than the national average. By the year 2030...

2024 is the year Trumpism dies.

2024 is the years when the Republican Party dies a painful political death and fade into oblivion once and for all. It is no longer the Party of Lincoln or Ike. They aren't even the Party of Nixon anymore. And Nixon was a vile scumbag. To be worse than Richard Nixon...

America Has A Choice – Democracy vs Autocracy -What Will It Be?

We will explore the stark difference between Democracy & Autocracy and see what is at stake in this election. In my opinion this will be the most crucial and consequential presidential election year in our lifetime. Those of us that  have lived in America all our...

The House That Biden & Harris Built

Ànd it came to past that Captain Bonespurs was comparing himself to the King of Rock n' Roll Elvis. Delusion of grandeur as Elvis served America with dignity and honor. Mango Mussolini deferred many times and was too coward to serve. The Nazi MAGA tour continues...

The Value of Age and Experience

Like many, I do not understand why the elderly are not valued and respected in this country as a whole. Aging to many means a loss of control and deterioration. Seniors are seen by some as a burden to their families because they can live into their late 80's &...

Project 2025: Political Plot of the Republican Party to destroy

Project 2025 is a Political agenda authored by more than 50 Conservative-leaning groups, think tanks, educational institutions & publications are listed on its advisory board, including the Claremont Institute, Young America's Foundation, and the Defense of...